ELA 6/7

Tuesday, March 5th, 2024


  • As a group, summarize ch 20 and 21
  • Discuss:
    • “What does the Giver mean by “hearing beyond?”
    • “Why is music so special to the Giver?”
    • “What would life be like WITHOUT music ?



“For the first time, he heard something that he knew to be music. He heard people singing.”

At the end of the book, Jonas hears music and singing for the very first time. The Giver cherished his own memories of music, but he never got to transmit those memories before Jonas left the community.

In order to welcome Jonas to the place where he and Gabe go at the end of the book, create a playlist of 5 to 10 meaningful songs that will introduce Jonas to music. Consider the following tips as you plan your playlist:

  • Include a variety of different music types and genres.
  • Include songs from various times and places.
  • Include songs that have significant meaning in your own life or community.

Write your findings with rationale (explanation) on the worksheet provided to you in class.  Due next Tuesday, March 12th. You have a week to this 🙂 Ask your family members for song titles that are important to you and your family. 


THursday, February 29th, 2024

1. Finish all incomplete work. Things I’ve noticed that are still incomplete:

– character analysis (at least one quote with corresponding descriptive trait)

– ch 17 + 18 qs with vocabulary and sentence for each

– Lois Lowry Character map. 

– Euphemisms Worksheet

2. Read chapters 20 and 21 for Tuesday. Be ready to respond: “What does the Giver mean by “hearing beyond?”

“Why is music so special to the Giver?”

“What would life be like WITHOUT music ?”

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Please finish Euphemism sheet for Thursday. Write down 3 to 4 of your favourite euphemisms . Look here for ideas : https://www.yourdictionary.com/articles/examples-euphemism

Thursday, February 22nd, 2024

Read chapter 18 for homework. Complete Vocabulary and Qs in your notebook (For Next Tuesday). 

Ch 17: Why did Jonas ask Asher not to play the game anymore ?

Ch 18: The Giver hadn’t given memories of physical pain to Rosemary, and yet she asked for release. Explain why  

3. The author used foreshadowing near the end of the chapter when The Giver said, « I suppose I could help the whole community the way I’ve helped you .. Maybe we’ll talk about it again sometime. »  PREDICT what might happen after they talk about it. 

Vocabulary (Find the DEFINITION in your own word with your own SENTENCE)





Thursday, February 1st, 2024

Happy February Fabulous 6th and 7th graders ! I hope you are doing well and enjoying the Giver.  Today, please use class time to complete chapters 7,8,9 questions. You must hand it in at the end of class to the guest teacher.

When you are done, please complete the vocabulary page. Complete vocab page for Tuesday’s class. Kindly refrain from reading ahead.

Stay well, 

Mme Kathy


Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024

Hello wonderful Grade 6/7 students. I am out today. Please complete the following tasks with your teacher today:

In Class,

  1. Complete class Lois Lowry mind web. 
  2. Distribute and write down the book number that you are assigned. Remember to take care of the book that you are assigned. No eating or drinking with them . Please handle with clean hands. 
  3. Read Chs 2-3

At home:

  1. Complete voc for chapters 1, 2, and 3 with 3 original sentences. Don’t guess. Use a dictionary. Homework due Thursday, January 25th. 

Thursday, January 11th 2024

Read Lois Lowry’s biography on 

Make a word web with LOIS LOWRY

in the center and the following subtitles with the requested information: 


– Lowry’s childhood

– Lowry’s education

– Lowry’s proudest and saddest moments

– Lowry’s events in her life and what effect they had on her life.  



November 23rd, 2023

In small groups play this game. You will need your notes from last night’s SMASH BOOM BEST podcast assignment. 

November 21st, 2023

HOMEWORK DUE THURSDAY, November 23rd.  On a lined paper. 


1. Choose an episode. 

2. Write the title

3. Choose a winner before listening

4. Listen to podcast and make a list of PROs /Cons ex: Hot chocolate VS Lemonade. 

5. Write which side won.

6. Write if your opinion CHANGED after listening to the Podcast. 

November 16th, 2023

Homework: Finish your Argumentative essay of 5 paragraphs for TUESDAY, November 21st. 

  1. Intro 
  2. Claim #1
  3. Claim #2
  4. Counter argument & Rebuttal
  5. Conclusion. 

November 14th, 2023

Homework due THURSDAY

FINISH: INTO, CLAM 1 and CLAIM 2 PARAGRAPHS . BE READY TO write counterclaim and rebuttal for Thursday!

November 9th, 2023

Homework due Tuesday, November 12th. Write your first paragraph which supports claim #1. Double spaced. 

November, 7th, 2023

Homework: Analyse your assigned paragraph using the method used in class today: Summarize, paraphrase and quote. 


Thursday, November 2nd, 2023

Homework: Due Tuesday, November 7th. 

1. Two Claims and Evidence (QUOTE) with source

2. Write your introduction. Double-spaced.

Creating an effective introduction: 

1. START with HOOK

2. Give some background info

3. State your thesis statement (SIMPLE one short sentence stating your clear position) . 

Tuesday, October 24th, 2023

Hello ELA 6/7. I am absent today. Please use this time to complete your « I think  / Evidence / source » for both of your CLAIMS. Remember what to look for when looking for credible sources and to take down the source information for your bibliographies. Homework: Collect all your evidence for Thursday’s class. 

Here is the template for your workbook:

Tuesday, October 17th, 2023

Finish editing your essay plan (Thursday)

Thursday, October 12th, 2023

Due Tuesday, October 17th: Create biography for remaining two sources. Example from today:


Tuesday, October 10th, 2023

DUe THURSDAY. READ ONE article and complete the exercise on the worksheet. Example from today:

Articles: Choose ONE of the two: 

Voting age lowered to 12: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1FIP51vD2ugWcsQUgK7xfd21Hh3I3S9_Xk9UPJW-ZFfU/mobilebasic

Top Ten Reasons to Lower the Voting Age

Top Ten Reasons to Lower the Voting Age

Hello ELA 6/7 : Please have the following READY by Tuesday, September 19th. 






November 3rd, 2022

Homework due MONDAY: Those who Enjoyed Being Scared (Reading and Questions)

October 24th, 2022

Make edits to your News story article in your workbook. Rewrite if necessary.  You will use class time on Thursday to type it up.
