Archives mensuelles : octobre 2017

Our first English Mystery Skype!

The Mystery Skype just started and the class seems focused! The first question ended up with a yes. The class is working very hard. The researchers are looking in the books and the mappers and the researchers seem a bit stressed out. Luckily, they had time because this time we had more questions ready before hand. Uh! the class is getting very noisy and we can’t really hear the other class. I think the questioners are getting stressed because they can’t find a question to start with but they finally get the hang of it. I think we’re going to guess where they are before them!

The researchers and the searchers look very focused. Oh no! They’re guessing where we live, I think they’re going to guess where we live before we find them. It’s very noisy again! OMG! I think they’re going to find out. Noooooo!!!

They found out! But we’re still trying to guess where they are. The class was pretty surprised that the other class found out where we were before we found out where they are. Now they’re trying to guess what our school name is. But they will never find out, Mouahahaha!!!!!!!!! They actually think we’re at an English school. Never mind they found out what our school is. Noooo!!

Wow! they live in Maple Ridge, how did we not find that out? We tried Port Moody, etc. Everyone is surprised, and, of course, Mme Carrie was laughing when we found out. It really was hilarious!!! After that Jacquelyn was sharing some good information about our school and class. It was really a fun Mystery Skype and we can’t wait to do another one.

Thank you for reading our blog and here are some pictures of the students from the Mystery Skype!!!!!!!

What was your favourite part ???

By Alex and Danaé


Le Skype mystère des petits agents

Le 5 octobre 2017, nous avons fait un Skype Mystère. C’était une journée mystérieuse. On ne peut pas vous dire trop, car c’est top-secret. L’autre classe ne savait pas où on était. Jusqu’à maintenant. DunDUnDUN ! Tout le monde avait un rôle crucial dans cette opération. Est-ce qu’on saura où ils se trouvent avant qu’ils sachent où on est ? Nous avons une équipe de chercheurs qui sont déterminés à trouver où cette classe se trouve. Mais c’était la panique, car il ne nous restait plus de questions! Mais la relayeuse et l’assistant nous ont sauvés de ce malheur en nous amenant d’autres questions. On avait aussi les répondeurs et des questionnaires qui étaient en avant de la caméra et qui communiquaient avec l’autre classe. Et évidemment, il y avait nous qui prenions les photos de l’action et en voici quelques une.

Finalement, nous avons trouvé qu’ils se trouvaient à London, Ontario. MISSION ACCOMPLIE!

Par: Anthéa et Naomie